Friday, May 1, 2009


We ate at a trendy restaurant today. Maybe you've heard of it?

It's called McDonald's. Yeah, the MickeyD's are a little nicer in DE than they are at home. At least I haven't seen any this nice. The menu was a little different as well.

We got a fresh chicken sandwich (maybe that's normally on the menu? I haven't eaten at McD's in a long time).
And some fried cheese balls.
With an apple soda to drink. Yum!
And after you eat at McDonald's you can run across the street and work out at McFit to burn all those extra calories.


  1. Why did you name your blog The Young Singer Many. I don't get it.

  2. Very funny, you geek. It's actually 'The Young Singer Man Y'. The Y stands for Young. It's referring to Cooper because he is young, he sings (lalala, dadada), is male and his last name is Young. And this blog is about him. Get it now???
