Sunday, June 14, 2009

Cooper Update - 12 Months

I try to do updates on my blog about what Cooper is up to and his stats (height, weight, etc.) whenever he has one of his "well visits" with the pediatrician, but he's not gonna make his 12-month check-up, so I'll just write a little about what he's been doing lately.

He loves to sing and lead music. Whenever he hears music you can hear him start to mumble along with the music and he waves his hands around. It's very endearing. (I have some good video of this but it's long and needs to be edited but I don't think we have the software on this computer to do it. I'll look into it to see if I can post it later this week.)

He loves things that start with "B". Blueberries, balls, balloons, buttons (both the ones that go on clothes and the ones you push), books, breadsticks, bread, bath time, boxes, bubbles, branches, etc.

He still does his "gimp crawl" with only one knee on the ground. He often stands for long periods of time unassisted and has taken a few steps on his own.

He likes to play peek-a-boo, especially around one of our chairs. He hides on one end and Pat or I will pop up from behind and say "boo!". He gets so excited and stomps his feet and bangs his face against the cushion of the seat. Sometimes he likes to bang his head against the wall or end tables or floor. I'm not sure what the draw is in this, but he keeps doing it. Hopefully one day soon he will learn. Just today he started covering his face with his hands and then pulling them away to play peek-a-boo with us.

Cooper loves to read books. Often in the morning he pulls out all his books and will "read" them intently. He has one with pictures of animals in it. He has learned what the cow says ("moooo"), the dog ("uf, uf"), and the cat ("eeeeee"). Even when Cooper is upset and screaming, when we ask him "what does the cow say?" he can't help but say "mooooo" among the screams.

He loves being outside and going to the park. We were at the park today and each time we did something on the playground he cried when we were done until we started doing the next thing.

Cooper loves to eat and will eat just about anything. He has learned the sign for more and often signs for more even before he's done swallowing whatever it is he is eating.

He's also become quite mischevious. He likes to go into the kitchen cabinets and pull out all the tupperware.
I caught him the other day with the fridge open and the carton of blueberries scattered across the floor. Then there was the roll of toilet paper he unrolled.
When I take him shopping I have to be careful not to push the stroller too close to items on tables or racks because he will pull them all off onto the floor.

We're so glad to have Cooper in our family. He brings us so much joy each and every day. This past year has been full of great memories and I can't wait to see what he's got in store for us in the coming year.

1 comment:

  1. You forgot the most important "B" of all. Can you guess what that might be?
    Looks like Cooper's becoming quite an explorer & adventurer...makes a little more clean-up for mom & dad, but that's part of parenting.
